"...a change of accent, or irregular rhythm, in many Indian songs for the sick. A tabulation of these 197, from 14 localities, shows that such a change occurs in 179, or about 88 per cent of the number."
Clues from the past - Natives not clouded with technology, for the most part lived in harmony with nature, and its rhythm is not always in 4/4. We are living so far out of nature, 4/4 music is just a symptom of it. Perhaps we need our own healing songs....
Most likely, you will never know how far the legacy of your work reaches and what purposes it will serve - so I am appreciative of Ms. Densmore for preserving this audio proof and musical origins.
The Photos are of: Frances Densmore recording Mountain Chief - Blackfoot Tribe (from Wikipedia), Chippewa healing song in 5/4 or 3/4 + 2/4, and excerpt from Music and Medicine, Schuller, 1948.
For healing sake...
Keep it ODD,
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