Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Episode 2: Asavari Raga Scale in 12/8 22323 | Odd Meter Music | Speed Composition

Second episode of the Daily Practice Speed Composition
Writing with randomly chosen keys, scales/modes and time signatures to compose a riff, diddy or piece of music in under an hour, for the purpose of exercising the composing muscles - not necessarily Masterpiece making.....

Today 9-4-19 the Asavari Raga Scale in the Key of D in 12/8 divisive 22323 was the lucky combination. The scale is structured R 2 4 5 -6, D E G A Bb, and was recorded on FL Studio, with stock sounds. My first time writing in this meter.....

Keepin' it ODD,
Odd Time Obsessed

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