Serving your weekly Odd Time needs...
New this week...
Day of the Grateful Dead
from Go To Heaven
Easy to Love You 15/4, 4/4

Don't Ease Me In 10/4, 4/4
The Beatles - St. Pepper
Good Morning, Good Morning 9/4, 6/4, 4/4
Special Requests...
Balkan Folk Music
Philip from Norway pointed out that there wasn't any sign of Balkan Folk Music on this station or website. And yes Philip you are absolutely right, and I appreciate all feedback, and I listen.. so here you go ... this is just the start of the journey into the Balkan Folk Realm..
Celebinisko 9/8 Trakia, Bulgaria
from the site Dunav.com.il and here is what they have to say about it:
Celebinsko is a choreography by Belco Stanev with great music in an interesting meter. It's 9/8 divided : 2 3 2 2. In the vocal part, the steps are exactly on the meter: QSQQ, but in the instrumental refrain, half a bar is added 2 3 (QS). The steps are in 2 2 2 3 (QQQS) and the missing half bar 2 2 (QQ) is added at the end so that is missing (mathematically).
Two requests from Guy via email: The Look People & The Mars Volta
The Look People
Guy suggested that I check this band out, and that they are a cross between Zappa and the Muppets. Sounds like something to obsess about. So I looked into obtaining some of their music - no luck at Ameoba or online. The only info I have is from their page on MySpace and I was able to download one song.
Heres a diddy from their MySpace page MySpace.com/TheLookPeople:
"LOOK PEOPLE were a Canadian alternative rock band in the 1980s and 1990s. They were the most outlandishly quirky band on the Canadian music scene of their era, known for their “cuisinart fashion statements”, “turrets syndrome time signatures”, and high energy live performances."
Gotta love the Turret Meters....
"Really Mean Guy" from Crazy Eggs 4/4, 5/4, 9/8
Prior to this suggestion, I've never heard of this band. Therefore I am assuming that this is one of their most straight ahead songs. Its mostly in 4/4, with one or two bars of 5/4 & 9/8 as transitions, maybe not on purpose. If anyone can lead me to some more of their tunes, it would be most appreciated. I wrote to the band, we'll see what happens there.
And my favorite song from...
The Mars Volta
"Cygnus...Vismund Cygnus - Sarcophagi - Umbilical Syllables - Facilis" from Frances the Mute
This song uses Zappa Meters 17/16, 13/16, 5/16, 5/8, 11/8 and so on - when I retire I will do a thesis on this song.
all night... I want you... let me show you what I mean...
are the only lyrics I can understand, but atleast this one is not in Spanish, then I wouldn't understand anything, only manana, arro, beno, hola, uno, dos....
This song brings about the coolest energy and every time I hear it I want to be there with them playing bass - especially during the first section... funky.
This 13 min song has been on rotation a few times, and glad to play it again.
Thanks for the request Guy..
Odd Enough,
-Countess B
Odd Time Obsessed
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